Marta Cordini
Indirizzo: Via Bonardi 3, Edificio 12, Piano 3
Telefono: (+39) 02 2399 5466
Percorso professionale e aree di ricerca
- Supporto all’analisi e allo sviluppo delle politiche abitative
- Segregazione scolastica a Milano
- EQUI06 – Equità e qualità per l’infanzia
- ECASS – European Cities Against School Segregation
Anno accademico 2020-2021
Urban Sociology
Urban Sociology (IC Urban Planning)
Anno accademico 2019-2020
Urban Sociology
Sociology of Urban Space
Anno accademico 2018-2019
Sociology of Urban Space
Anno accademico 2017-2018
Cordini M., Parma A., Cefalo R. (2022), Social Investment between rhetorics and implementations in subnational contexts: evidence from Milan and Vienna, in “Autonomie locali e servizi sociali, Quadrimestrale di studi e ricerche sul welfare” 3/2022: 509-511, doi: 10.1447/106444
Cordini M., Saruis T. (2022) ECEC policies between quality and quantity in Milan and Vienna: the implementation of the SI approach in two urban contexts, Autonomie Locali e Servizi Sociali, 03/2022: 513-533, doi: 10.1447/106445. Rivista in fascia A.
Cordini M., Lazzarini L. Pacchi C., Parma A., Ranci C. (2021) Key Lessons from Italy, in Neergard M., and Skovgaard Nielsen R. (Eds), Cohesion on the Ground. Perspectives and Experiences, Department of The Build Environment, Aalborg University, Denmark.
Caciagli C., Cordini M. (2021) The Narratives of Reshaping School Social Functions in Four European Countries in Times of Pandemic, 26 (1): 21-50. ISSN 0339-5456
Cordini M., De Angelis G. (2021) Families between care, education and work. The effects of the pandemic on educational inequalities in Italy. The case Of Milan., European Journal of Education, forthcoming, 56(4): 578-594, DOI: 10.1111/ejed.12483. Rivista in fascia A, WOS e Scopus.
Cordini M., Cefalo R., Boczy T. (2021) Place-sensitive social investment and territorial cohesion: implications for sustainability, Sustainability, 13(13), 7085, DOI: 10.3390/su13137085.. Rivista in fascia A, WOS.
Boczy T., Cordini M. (2020) Narratives of Territorial Cohesion and Economic Growth: A Comparative Study, Social Inclusion, 8 (4): 218-228, DOI: 10.17645/si.v8i4.3349. Rivista in fascia A, SCOPUS e WOS
Cordini, M. (2019), School segregation: institutional rules, spatial constraints and households’ agency, in International Review of Sociology.
Cordini, M., Parma, A. and Ranci, C. (2019), ‘White flight’ in Milan: School segregation as a result of home-to-school mobility, in Urban Studies.
Boni, A. and Cordini, M. (2018), Edilizia residenziale pubblica e morosità. L’espansione della vulnerabilità tra gli inquilini di alloggi sociali in Lombardia, in «Polis», 1, pp. 77-104.
Cordini M. and C. Ranci (2016), Legitimizing the care market: the social recognition of migrant care workers in Italy, in «Journal of Social Policy», 46, 1, pp. 91-108.
Cordini M. (2015) Public schools and the struggle for democracy: insights from the American context, in «Italian Journal of Sociology of Education», 7, 1, 327-337,
Cordini M. (2012) Immigrati, una nuova risorsa in tempo di crisi, in «Libertà Civili », Settembre-Ottobre 2012
Cordini M. and V. Benvenuto, M. Marzorati. (ed.) (2013), Terzo Rapporto sull’ Economia dell’Immigrazione. Tra percorsi economici e comportamenti migratori, Fondazione Leone Moressa, Bologna, Il Mulino.
Capitoli in libri
Cefalo R., Boczy T., Cordini M. (2022) A social investment approach for place-sensitive services: what is the potential impact on territorial inequalities? In Jurga Bučaitė-Vilkė (ed.) Social Investment and Territorial Inequalities: mapping policies and services in the Baltic states, Peter Lang.
Cordini M. (2017), Il contributo della letteratura internazionale, in C. Pacchi e C. Ranci (eds.), The White Flight a Milano. La segregazione scolastica ed etnica nelle scuole dell’obbligo, Franco Angeli, Collana del DasTu, pp. 25-39.
Cordini, M. (2015), Abitare lo Stadera: la casa attraverso le storie di vita degli immigrati nel quartiere, in A. Augustoni e A. Alietti (eds.), Territori e pratiche di convivenza interetnica, Franco Angeli, Milano, pp. 37-54.
Cordini M. and M. Colombo, E. Besozzi (2014) Minori e adulti nel sistema dell’istruzione e della formazione professionale in Lombardia: aspetti quantitativi e attività educative, in XX Rapporto Orim.
Cordini M. (2011) Abitare e integrarsi: il ruolo delle condizioni e dei percorsi abitativi nei processi di integrazione, tra cultura, relazioni e territorio, in Ambrosini M. and P. Bonizzoni (eds) I nuovi vicini: famiglie di migranti e percorsi di integrazione sul territorio, Rapporto Orim 2011, Milano.
Cordini M. (2011) I percorsi abitativi degli immigrati: accesso alla casa, mobilità residenziale e condizioni abitative, in Ambrosini M. and P. Bonizzoni (eds) I nuovi vicini: famiglie di migranti e percorsi di integrazione sul territorio, Rapporto Orim 2011, Milano.
Cordini M. (2011) Young Adults and their use of Technology: shaping identities in the Internet era, in German M. & Banerjee (eds), Migration, technology and transculturation: a Global Perspective, Centre for International and Global Studies, Lindenwood University Press, St Charles, Missouri.
Cordini M. and M. Arlotti, S. Cerea, C. Ranci . (2017), Same words, different ideas? The social construction of care markets and the role of migrant care workers in Italy and UK, presented at the 24th International Conference of Europeanist, Glasgow, July 11-13
Cordini M. and A.Boni (2017) Social housing and indebtedness. The expansion of vulnerability among social housing dwellers, presented at RESHAPE Conference, Bozen. April 19-21
Cordini M. (2014) Home in the migratory experience: individuals’ strategies and policies, presented at Mi-term Conference N35 ESA Network, Frankfurt, November 13-14.
Cordini M. and C. Ranci (2014) The political construction of migrant care workers as “denizens”: state regulation, social representation and institutional discourse, presented at Convegno Nazionale AIS-ELO- La Regolazione dell’ Economia tra formale e informale, Università Bicocca, Milano, September 11-12
Cordini M. and P. Bonizzoni (2012) Housing Pathways of Latin American and South Asian immigrant women in Italy: exploring different ways of making home, presented at Conference Home Renaissance Foundation: Renewing the Culture of Home, Rome, November 14-15
Cordini M. (2011) Drawing maps as an elicitation instrument in life stories to collect spatial data, presented at ESA Conference: social relations in turbulent times, Geneva University, Switzerland, September 7-11
Cordini M. (2011) Is this home? Being migrants and giving meaning to home and neighborhood through the daily life, presented at 6th International Conference in Interpretive Policy Analysis: Discursive Spaces. Politics, Practices and Power, Cardiff University, Wales (UK), June 23-25.
Cordini M. (2011) Immigrants and housing: how a qualitative study can help in structuring policies, presented at 6th International Conference in Interpretive Policy Analysis: Discursive Spaces. Politics, Practices and Power, Cardiff University, Wales (UK), June 23-25.
Cordini M. (2011) Housing Pathway of Migrants: obstacles and strategies in accessing and making home, presented at Housing in Hard Times: Class, Poverty and Social Exclusion, University of York (UK), April 13-15