Il sito del Laboratorio di Politiche Sociali

Manos Matsaganis

Manos Matsaganis

Manos Matsaganis

Indirizzo: Via Bonardi 3, Edificio 12, Piano 3


Numero di telefono: (+39) 02 2399 2679

Pagina personale Polimi

Scarica il CV

Percorso professionale e aree di ricerca

Professore in Scienza delle finanze al Politecnico di Milano. Laureatosi in Economia ad Atene, ha continuato gli studi nel Regno Unito (M.Sc. York / Ph.D. Bristol). Ha insegnato e/o svolto attività di ricerca alla London School of Economics (1990-93), l’Università di Creta (1996-99 e 2001-04), e l’Università di Economia di Atene (2014-16). Nel 1997-2001 è stato consigliere del premier greco Costas Simitis. Ha svolto attività di consulenza per organizzazioni internazionali (la Commissione europea, l’Ocse, la Banca mondiale, la Unicef). Ha fatto parte dell’Experts Group on Social Investment for Growth and Cohesion costituito dal commissario europeo László Andor (2012-14). É stato Fulbright Scholar alle università di Harvard (2014) e di Berkeley (2015), visiting scholar all’Università di Boston (2017, 2018), e Visiting Professor all’Università di Vienna (2019). Dal 2021 è capo dell’Osservatorio dell’economia greca e europea presso ELIAMEP, la fondazione ateniese di politica europea e internazionale. Inoltre, fa parte del Comitato consultivo della Fondazione diaNEOsis di Atene (dal 2016), e del Comitato scientifico della Fondazione Giangiacomo Feltrinelli di Milano (dal 2021). Si occupa prevalentemente di temi di analisi economica del welfare e del lavoro. Ha pubblicato articoli in varie riviste (ORCID id: 0000-0002-0369-6280). Il suo ultimo libro “Who’s afraid of the welfare state now?”, scritto insieme a Anton Hemerijck, sta per essere pubblicato da Oxford University Press.





Anno Acccademico 2020-2021

IC Economics of Public Issues
Part I: Economic Analysis of Public Policies
Part II: Poverty, Inequality and the Welfare State

Public Economics

Anno Accademico 2019-2020

IC Economics of Public Issues
Part I: Economic Analysis of Public Policies
Part II: Poverty, Inequality and the Welfare State

Anno Accademico 2018-2019

Public Policies and Economics
Part II: Public Economics

IC Economics of Public Issues
Part I: Economic Analysis of Public Policies
Part II: Poverty, Inequality and the Welfare State

Anno Accademico 2017-2018
IC Economics of Public Issues [Section A]
Public policies and economics [Section A]




Articoli in riviste

Matsaganis M., Manalis G. (2022) The impact of the Greek National Recovery and Resilience Plan on employment and social provision. Italian Labour Law e-Journal 15 (1).

Leventi C., Matsaganis M. (2020) Disentangling annuities and transfers: the case of Greek retirement benefits. European Journal of Social Security 22 (3) 287-305.

Matsaganis M. (2020) Safety nets in (the) crisis: the case of Greece in the 2010s. Social Policy and Administration 54 (4) 587–598.

Leventi C. & Matsaganis M. (2020) Disentangling annuities and transfers: the case of Greek retirement benefits. European Journal of Social Security.

Matsaganis M. (2020) Safety nets in (the) crisis: the case of Greece in the 2010s. Social Policy and Administration.

Perez S.A., Matsaganis M. (2019) Export or perish: can internal devaluation create enough good jobs in Southern Europe? South European Society and Politics 24 (2) 259-285.

Figari F., Hollan K., Matsaganis M., Zólyomi E. (2019) Fiscal vs. social welfare: support for affordable housing in seven EU countries. Politiche Sociali / Social Policies 6 (1) 67-92.

Natili M., Jessoula M., Madama I., Matsaganis M. (2019) The Right(s) and minimum incomes in hard times: Southern and Eastern Europe compared. European Societies 21 (1) 33-51.

Matsaganis M. (2018) Il futuro dell’Europa sociale. Il Mulino LXVII 495 (1/18) 165-172.

Perez S.A., Matsaganis M. (2018) The political economy of austerity in Southern Europe. New Political Economy 23 (2) 192-207.

Matsaganis M. (2016) To the brink and back in Greece. Current History 115 (779) 108-113.

Machias A., Tsagarakis K., Matsaganis M. (2016) Greek fisheries and the economic crisis: structural analogies. Ethics in Science and Environmental Politics 16 (1) 19-23.

Matsaganis M., Leventi C. (2014) The distributional impact of austerity and the recession in Southern Europe. South European Society and Politics 19 (3) 393-412.

Matsaganis M., Leventi C. (2014) Poverty and inequality during the Great Recession in Greece. Political Studies Review 12 (2) 209-223.

Matsaganis M. (2014) The crisis, the austerity, and social policy in Greece. Politiche Sociali / Social Policies 1 (1) 65-76.

Matsaganis M. (2014) The catastrophic Greek crisis. Current History 113 (761) 110-116.

Matsaganis M., Leventi C. (2013) The distributional impact of the Greek crisis in 2010. Fiscal Studies 34 (1) 83-108.

Figari F., Matsaganis M., Sutherland H. (2013) Are European social safety nets tight enough? Coverage and adequacy of minimum income schemes in 14 EU countries. International Journal of Social Welfare 22 3-14.

Levy H., Matsaganis M., Sutherland H. (2013) Towards a European Union Child Basic Income? Within and between country effects. International Journal of Microsimulation 6 (1) 62-85.

Figari F., Matsaganis M., Sutherland H. (2013) The financial well-being of older people in Europe and the redistributive effects of minimum pension schemes. Rivista Italiana degli Economisti / The Journal of the Italian Economic Association XVIII (2) 149-173.

Matsaganis M. (2012) Social policy in hard times: the case of Greece. Critical Social Policy 32 (3) 406-421.

Matsaganis M., Leventi C., Flevotomou M. (2012) The crisis and tax evasion in Greece: what are the distributional implications?CESifo Forum 13 (2) 26-32.

Saez E., Matsaganis M., Tsakloglou P. (2012) Earnings determination and taxes: evidence from a cohort based payroll tax reform in Greece. The Quarterly Journal of Economics 127 (1) 493-533.

Matsaganis M. (2011) The welfare state and the crisis: the case of Greece. Journal of European Social Policy 21 (5) 501-512.

Matsaganis M., Leventi C. (2011) Pathways to a universal basic pension in Greece. Basic Income Studies 6 (1) 1-20.

Matsaganis M., Levy H., Flevotomou M. (2010) Non take up of social benefits in Greece and Spain. Social Policy and Administration 44 (7) 827-844.


Capitoli libri

Guillén A., Jessoula M., Matsaganis M., Branco R., Pavolini E. (2022) Southern European welfare systems in transition. In: Mediterranean capitalism revisited: one model, different trajectories (a cura di L. Burroni, E. Pavolini, M. Regini). Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press.

Figari F., Matsaganis M., Pavolini E. (2022) Quanto e come spende lo stato italiano in welfare fiscale? In: La mano invisibile dello stato sociale: Il welfare fiscale in Italia (a cura di M. Jessoula, E. Pavolini). Bologna: il Mulino.

Figari F., Matsaganis M. (2022) L’impatto redistributivo del welfare fiscale in Italia. In: La mano invisibile dello stato sociale: Il welfare fiscale in Italia (a cura di M. Jessoula, E. Pavolini). Bologna: il Mulino.

Matsaganis M. (2022) False starts, wrong turns, and dead ends: How (not) to ensure social protection for all workers. In: Defining and protecting autonomous work (a cura di T. Addabbo, E. Ales, Y. Curzi, T. Fabbri, O. Rymkevich, I. Senatori). Cham: Palgrave Macmillan.

Matsaganis M. (2021) Living standards in Southern Europe over the long run. In: Europe’s income, wealth, consumption, and inequality (a cura di G. Fischer, R. Strauss). Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Matsaganis M. (2021) Marginalised areas as a public policy concern. In: Cycling & walking for regional development (a cura di P. Pileri, R. Moscarelli). Cham: Springer.

Matsaganis M. (2020) Poverty and the social safety net. In: The Oxford Handbook on Modern Greek Politics (a cura di K. Featherstone, D.A. Sotiropoulos). Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Matsaganis M. (2020) Marginalised areas as a public policy concern. In: Cycling & walking for regional development (edited by P. Pileri, R. Moscarelli). Cham: Springer.

Matsaganis M. (forthcoming) Southern Europe. In: Income, wealth, consumption, wellbeing and inequality developments – The volume on Europe (edited by G. Fischer, R. Strauss). Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Matsaganis M. (2020) Poverty and the social safety net. In: The Oxford Handbook on Modern Greek Politics (edited by K. Featherstone, D.A. Sotiropoulos). Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Matsaganis M. (2019) Greece: the crisis, austerity, and the transformations of welfare. In: Welfare and the Great Recession: a comparative study (edited by S. Ólafsson, M. Daly, O. Kangas, J. Palme). Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Matsaganis M., Leventi C. (2019) Distributive effects of the crisis in the European periphery. In: Decent incomes for all: improving policies in Europe (edited by B. Cantillon, T. Goedemé, J. Hills). Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Goedemé T., Penne T., Hufkens T., Karakitsios A., Bernát A., Simonovits B., Carillo Alvarez E., Kanavitsa E., Cussó Parcerisas I., Riera Romaní J., Mäkinen L., Matsaganis M., Arlotti M., Kopasz M., Szivós P., Ritakallio V.-M., Kazepov Y., Van den Bosch K., Storms B. (2019) What does it mean to live on the poverty threshold? Lessons from reference budgets. In: Decent incomes for all: improving policies in Europe (edited by B. Cantillon, T. Goedemé, J. Hills). Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Matsaganis M. (2018) The political economy of recovery in Southern Europe. In: Responses of European economic cultures to Europe’s crisis politics: The example of German-Italian discrepancies (edited by J. Hien, C. Joerges). Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, European University Institute.

Matsaganis M. (2018) Benefits in kind and in cash. In: International handbook of the welfare state (2ndedition) (edited by B. Greve). London: Routledge.

Matsaganis M. (2018) Income support policies and labour market reform under austerity in Greece. In: Labour market policies in the era of pervasive austerity: a European perspective(edited by S. Theodoropoulou). Bristol: Policy Press.

Matsaganis M. (2018) Making sense of the Greek crisis. In: Europe’s crises(edited by M. Castells et al.) Cambridge: Polity.

Matsaganis M. (2017) The impact of the Great Recession on child poverty in Greece. In: Children of austerity: impact of the Great Recession on child poverty in rich countries(edited by B. Cantillon, Y. Chzhen, S. Handa, B. Nolan). Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Matsaganis M. (2015) Youth unemployment and the Great Recession in Greece. In: No country for young people? Youth labour market problems in Europe(edited by J.J. Dolado). A VoxEU e-book. London: Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR) Press.

Verbist G., Matsaganis M. (2013) The redistributive capacity of services in the EU. In: Reconciling work and poverty reduction: how successful are European welfare states? (edited by B. Cantillon, F. Vandenbroucke). Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Matsaganis M. (2013) Benefits in kind and in cash. In: International handbook of the welfare state(edited by B. Greve). London: Routledge.

Matsaganis M. (2013) Prerequisites to the revival of public health care in Greece. In: From stagnation to forced adjustment: reforms in Greece 1974-2010 (edited by S. Kalyvas, G. Pagoulatos, H. Tsoukas). Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Matsaganis M. (2013) The crisis and the welfare state in Greece: a complex relationship. In: The Greek crisis: an inquiry into Greek and European modernity(edited by A. Triandafyllidou, R. Gropas, H. Kouki). London: Palgrave Macmillan.

Matsaganis M. (2013) The crisis of the welfare state in Northern Mediterranean countries. In: IEMed Mediterranean Yearbook 2013. Barcelona: European Institute of the Mediterranean.


Policy reports

Ward T., Coughtrie D., Fuller A., Matsaganis M., Figari F., Fiorio C. (2023) Exploratory study: filling in the knowledge gaps and identifying strengths and challenges in the effectiveness of Member States’ minimum income schemes. Brussels: European Commission.

De Micheli B., Figari F., Iudicone F., Lombardi A., Matsaganis M., Raitano M., Vesan P. (2018) Access to social protection for all forms of employment: assessing the options for a possible EU initiative. European Commission.

Matsaganis M. (2013) The Greek crisis: social impact and policy responses. Berlin: Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung.

Matsaganis M., Rabemiafara N., Ward T. (2013) Young people and temporary employment in Europe. Dublin: European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions.


Doxiadis A., Matsaganis M. (2012) National populism and xenophobia in Greece. The threats of populism: Europe’s reluctant radicals. London: Counterpoint.


Matsaganis M. (2018)Snakes and ladders on the road to ESU. EuVisions (6 December).

Matsaganis M. (2018) Uscire dall’Euro conviene davvero? Lezioni greche. Biblioteca della libertà Brief 1/2018. Centro Einaudi.

Ferrera M., Matsaganis M., Tortola P.D. (2017) Globalisation, economic inequality and political instability: what future for Europe’s welfare?In: Vision Europe Summit: Winners and losers of globalisation. Carlo Alberto Notebooks 506. Turin: Collegio Carlo Alberto.

Iordanoglou C., Matsaganis M. (2017) Why Grexit cannot save Greece (but staying in the Euro area might). EuVisions (27 November).

Matsaganis M., Tsaroucha S. (2017) Dispatches from the dismal science #1/2017. EuVisions (24 February).

Matsaganis M., Tsaroucha S. (2016) Dispatches from the dismal science #1/2016. EuVisions (25 November).

Matsaganis M. (2016) Can Europe have both monetary union and democracy? EuVisions (26 September).

Matsaganis M. (2016) Greece’s Annus Horribilis 2015. EuVisions (14 April).

Matsaganis M. (2015) The Eurozone crisis and the future of Europe, as viewed from Greece. Open Democracy (6 December); EuVisions (9 December).

Matsaganis M. (2015) The trouble with SYRIZA. Open Democracy (14 March).

Matsaganis M. (2009) Facing up to the culture of violence. In: The return of street politics? Essays on the December riots in Greece (edited by S. Economides, V. Monastiriotis). The Hellenic Observatory, London School of Economics.

Note di ricerca

Matsaganis M., Manalis G., Zavarella A. (2023) Promoting a just digital transition for workers: How do the NRRPs fare? FEPS Recovery Watch Policy Study. Foundation for European Progressive Studies.

Matsaganis M., Theodoropoulou S. (2022) The return of inflation: Can we protect real incomes? ELIAMEP Policy Paper 117. Hellenic Foundation for European & Foreign Policy.

Matsaganis M., Manalis G. (2022) Using RRF resources to kick-start a job-rich recovery in Greece. ELIAMEP Policy Paper 111. Hellenic Foundation for European & Foreign Policy.

Hemerijck A., Huguenot-Noël R., Matsaganis M. (2022) Welfare resilience in Europe: Contours of a post-Covid social compass for the EU. STG Policy Brief 2022/02. European University Institute.

Matsaganis M. (2020) Storia e politica del salario minimo. Quaderni della coesione sociale 2/2020. Osservatorio Internazionale per la Coesione e l’Inclusione Sociale.

Matsaganis M. (2020) Technological change, the future of work, and public policy. Lps Working Paper 01/2020. Politecnico di Milano.

Matsaganis M. (2018) The contorted politics of guaranteed minimum income in Greece. DAStU Working Paper 02/2018. Politecnico di Milano.

Figari F., Hollan K., Matsaganis M., Zólyomi E. (2018) Support with housing costs across Europe: a distributional impact analysis. DAStU Working Paper 01/2018. Politecnico di Milano.

Iordanoglou C., Matsaganis M. (2018) Why Grexit cannot save Greece (but staying in the Euro area might). Open Forum Paper 28. Center for European Studies, Harvard University.

Ferrera M., Matsaganis M, Tortola P.D. (2017) Tackling the adverse effects of globalisation and integration: ideas on a European Social Union. Carlo Alberto Notebooks 506. Turin: Collegio Carlo Alberto.

Iordanoglou C., Matsaganis M. (2017) Why Grexit cannot save Greece (but staying in the Euro area might). LEQS Discussion Paper 123. LSE ‘Europe in Question’ series. European Institute, London School of Economics.

Iordanoglou C., Matsaganis M. (2017) Why Grexit cannot save Greece (but staying in the Euro area might). REScEU Working Paper 1/2017. ‘Reconciling Economic and Social Europe’ series. University of Milan.

Figari F., Hollan K., Matsaganis M., Zolyomi E. (2016) Recent changes in housing policies and their distributional impact across Europe. Research Note 10/2016. Social Situation Monitor, European Commission.

Matsaganis M., Figari F. (2016) Making work pay: a conceptual paper. Research Note 3/2016. Social Situation Monitor, European Commission.

Goedemé T., Sutherland H., De Agostini P., Leventi C., Matsaganis M. Vandelannoote D., Verbist G. (2016) Scenarios for reducing poverty in Belgium, Greece and the United Kingdom. ImPRovE Working Paper 16/14. University of Antwerp.

Leventi C., Matsaganis M. (2016) Estimating the distributional impact of the Greek crisis (2009-2014). Economics Department Working Paper 1312. Paris: OECD.

Natili M., Matsaganis M., Jessoula M. (2016) Alla prova della crisi: povertà e reddito minimo nell’Europa del Sud e dell’Est. Working Paper 5/2016. Laboratorio di Politica Comparata e Filosofia Pubblica, Centro Einaudi.

Matsaganis M., Leventi C. (2015) Ex antepoverty and fiscal evaluation of a guaranteed minimum income programme in Greece. Working Paper 97840. Washington DC: World Bank.

Matsaganis M., Medgyesi M., Karakitsios A. (2015) The interaction between minimum wages, income support, and poverty. Research Note 10/2015. Social Situation Monitor, European Commission.

Matsaganis M., Özdemir E., Ward T., Zavakou A. (2015) Non-standard employment and access to social security benefits. Research Note 8/2015. Social Situation Monitor, European Commission.

Veliziotis M., Matsaganis M., Karakitsios A. (2015)Involuntary part-time employment: perspectives from two European labour markets. ImPRovE Working Paper 15/02. University of Antwerp.

Matsaganis M., Leventi C. (2014) Distributive effects of the crisis and austerity in seven EU countries. ImPRovE Working Paper 14/04. University of Antwerp.

Matsaganis M., Leventi C. (2014) Distributive effects of the crisis and austerity in seven EU countries: some key lessons. ImPRovE Policy Brief 01. University of Antwerp.

Koutsogeorgopoulou V., Matsaganis M., Leventi C., Schneider J.D. (2014) Fairly sharing the social impact of the crisis in Greece. Economics Department Working Papers 1106. Paris: OECD.

Levy H., Matsaganis M., Sutherland H. (2014) Simulating the costs and benefits of a Europe-wide basic income scheme for children. UNICEF Child Poverty Insights.

Matsaganis M., Özdemir E., Ward T. (2014) The coverage rate of social benefits. Research Note 9/2013. Social Situation Observatory, European Commission.

Leventi C., Matsaganis M., Flevotomou M. (2013) Distributional implications of tax evasion and the crisis in Greece. Working Paper EM 17/13. Microsimulation Unit, University of Essex.

Leventi C., Matsaganis M. (2013) Distributional implications of the crisis in Greece in 2009-2012. Working Paper EM 14/13. Microsimulation Unit, University of Essex.

Rodrigues R., Schulmann K., Schmidt A., Kalavrezou N., Matsaganis M. (2013) The indirect costs of long-term care. Research Note 8/2013. Social Situation Observatory, European Commission.

Rodrigues R., Zólyomi E., Kalavrezou N., Matsaganis M. (2013) The impact of the financial crisis on unmet needs for healthcare. Research Note 7/2013. Social Situation Observatory, European Commission.

Avram S., Figari F., Leventi C., Levy H., Navicke J., Matsaganis M., Militaru E., Paulus A., Rastrigina O., Sutherland H. (2013) The distributional effects of fiscal consolidation in nine EU countries. Working Paper EM 2/13. Microsimulation Unit, University of Essex.

Levy H., Matsaganis M., Sutherland H. (2012) The distributive and cross country effects of a Child Basic Income for the European Union. Research Note 2/2012. Social Situation Observatory, European Commission.

Avram S., Figari F., Leventi C., Levy H., Navicke J., Matsaganis M., Militaru E., Paulus A., Rastrigina O., Sutherland H. (2012) The distributional effects of fiscal consolidation in nine EU countries. Research Note 1/2012. Social Situation Observatory, European Commission.

Matsaganis M. (2012) Reeling under pressure? The welfare state and the crisis in Greece. DIEES WP 1231. Department of International and European Economic Studies, Athens University of Economics and Business.

Verbist G., Matsaganis M. (2012) The redistributive capacity of services in the EU. GINI Discussion Paper 53. Amsterdam Institute for Advanced labour Studies. University of Amsterdam.

Figari F., Matsaganis M., Sutherland H. (2012) Are European social safety nets tight enough? Coverage and adequacy of minimum income schemes in 14 EU countries. GINI Discussion Paper 2. Amsterdam Institute for Advanced labour Studies. University of Amsterdam.

Figari F., Matsaganis M., Sutherland H. (2011) The financial well-being of older people in Europe and the redistributive effects of minimum pension schemes. Working Paper EM 7/11. Microsimulation Unit, University of Essex.

Callan T., Leventi C., Levy H., Matsaganis M., Paulus A., Sutherland H. (2011) The distributional effects of austerity measures: a comparison of six EU countries. Research Note 2/2011. Social Situation Observatory, European Commission.

Callan T., Leventi C., Levy H., Matsaganis M., Paulus A., Sutherland H. (2011) The distributional effects of austerity measures: a comparison of six EU countries. Working Paper EM 6/11. Microsimulation Unit, University of Essex.

Matsaganis M., Leventi C. (2011) Inequality poverty and the crisis in Greece. ETUI Policy Brief (European Economic and Employment Policy) Issue 5/2011. Brussels: European Trade Union Institute.

Matsaganis M., Leventi C. (2011) The distributional impact of the crisis in Greece. In: The Greek crisis in focus: austerity, recession and paths to recovery(edited by V. Monastiriotis). Hellenic Observatory, London School of Economics.

Matsaganis M., Leventi C. (2011) The distributional impact of the crisis in Greece. Working Paper EM 3/11. Microsimulation Unit, University of Essex.

Matsaganis M., Leventi C. (2011) The distributional impact of the crisis in Greece. DIEES WP 1124. Department of International and European Economic Studies, Athens University of Economics and Business.

Matsaganis M. (2011) Estimating the distributional effects of mortgage interest tax relief in Europe. DIEES WP 1109. Department of International and European Economic Studies, Athens University of Economics and Business.

Matsaganis M. (2011) Social protection of non-standard work in Greece. DIEES WP 1107. Department of International and European Economic Studies, Athens University of Economics and Business.

Matsaganis M., Leventi C. (2011) Pathways to a universal basic pension in Greece. DIEES WP 1106. Department of International and European Economic Studies, Athens University of Economics and Business.

Leventi C., Levy H., Matsaganis M., Paulus A., Sutherland H. (2010) Modelling the distributional effects of austerity measures: the challenges of a comparative perspective. Research Note 8/2010. Social Situation Observatory, European Commission.

Figari F., Haux T., Matsaganis M., Sutherland H. (2010) Coverage and adequacy of minimum income schemes in the European Union. ISER Working Paper 2010-37. Institute for Social and Economic Research, University of Essex.

Figari F., Haux T., Matsaganis M., Sutherland H. (2010) Coverage and adequacy of minimum income schemes in the European Union. Working Paper EM 8/10. Microsimulation Unit, University of Essex.

Matsaganis M., Levy H., Flevotomou M. (2010) Non take up of social benefits in Greece and Spain. Working Paper EM 7/10. Microsimulation Unit, University of Essex.

Saez E., Matsaganis M., Tsakloglou P. (2010) Earnings determination and taxes: evidence from a cohort based payroll tax reform in Greece. NBER Working Paper 15745. National Bureau of Economic Research: Cambridge, MA.

Saez E., Matsaganis M., Tsakloglou P. (2010) Earnings determination and taxes: evidence from a cohort based payroll tax reform in Greece. IZA Discussion Paper 4752. Institute for the Study of Labor / Forschungsinstitut zur Zukunft der Arbeit: Bonn.

Matsaganis M., Flevotomou M. (2010) Distributional implications of tax evasion in Greece. GreeSE Paper 31. Hellenic Observatory, London School of Economics.



Matsaganis M., Mitrakos T., Tsakloglou P. (2009) Modelling health expenditure at household level in Greece. European Journal of Health Economics 10 (3) 329–336.

Matsaganis M. (2007) Union structures and pension outcomes in Greece. British Journal of Industrial Relations 45 (3) 537–555.

Matsaganis M. (2005) The limits of selectivity as a recipe for welfare reform: the case of Greece. Journal of Social Policy 34 (2) 235-253.

Matsaganis M., Ferrera M., Capucha L., Moreno L. (2003) Mending nets in the South: anti-poverty policies in Greece, Italy, Portugal and Spain. Social Policy and Administration 37 (6) 639-655.

Matsaganis M. (2002) Yet another piece of pension reform in Greece. South European Society and Politics 7 (3) 109-122.

Ferrera M., Matsaganis M., Sacchi S. (2002) Open co-ordination against poverty: the new EU “inclusion process”. Journal of European Social Policy 12 (3) 227-239.

Matsaganis M. (2001) The trouble with the Euro-stipendium. Journal of European Social Policy 11 (4) 346-348.

Guillén A., Matsaganis M. (2000) Investigating the “social dumping” hypothesis in southern Europe: welfare policies in Greece and Spain during the last 20 years. Journal of European Social Policy 10 (2) 120-145.

Matsaganis M. (2000) Social assistance in southern Europe: the case of Greece revisited. Journal of European Social Policy 10 (1) 69-81.

Matsaganis M. (1998) From the North Sea to the Mediterranean? Constraints to health reform in Greece. International Journal of Health Services 28 (2) 333-348.

Matsaganis M., Glennerster H. (1994) The threat of cream skimming in the post-reform NHS. Journal of Health Economics 13 31-60.

Glennerster H., Matsaganis M. (1994) The English and Swedish health care reforms. International Journal of Health Services 24 (2) 231-251.

Glennerster H., Matsaganis M. (1993) The UK health reforms: the case of fund-holding. Health Policy 23 (3) 179-191.

Matsaganis M. (1992) Infant mortality and maternal mobility in Greece. Social Science and Medicine 34 (3) 317 323.

Matsaganis M. (1991) Is health insurance in Greece in need of reform? Health Policy and Planning 6 (3) 271 281.