Il sito del Laboratorio di Politiche Sociali
The effort to strengthen social cohesion and lower social inequalities is among the main policy challenges of Europe. These great challenges become visible and tangible at the urban level, which makes cities a microcosm of society. It means that local welfare systems are at the forefront of the struggle to address this challenge – and they are far from winning. While the statistics show some positive signs, the overall picture still shows sharp and sometimes rising inequalities, a loss of social cohesion and weakened policies of integration. When we focus on specific groups in society (e.g. migrants) the situation is even direr. It is clear that new ideas and approaches to tackle these very wicked problems are needed.

The laboratory is currently involved in two European projects that aim to analyze from different points of view the impacts that local welfare systems have on well-being and levels of social integration of citizens.


Costa G. (2010), Oltre la famiglia. Strumenti per l’autonomia dei disabili (con L. Beltrametti, S. Di Pasquale, A. Fusaro, D. Maggi, M. Marazzini), in Fondazione Cariplo, Collana “Quaderni dell’Osservatorio”, 4. Scarica il quaderno

Costa G. (2009), Prove di welfare locale. La costruzione di livelli essenziali di assistenza in Provincia di Cremona, Milano, Franco Angeli. Scarica l’Introduzione del volume

Costa G. (2007), “La regolazione del lavoro privato di cura come sfida per il welfare locale”, in Politiche sociali e servizi: bollettino di studio e documentazione, fasc. 2.

Costa G. (2007), “Lavoratori immigrati nel welfare regionale: politiche e nodi regolativi” (con E. Pavolini), in Mondi Migranti, 3, pp.131-156.

Working paper – convegni e seminari:

Costa G. (2007), Much Ado About Nothing: the Issue of Private Care in Italy and the Invisibility of Illegal Migrants, Irregular migration: theoretical perspectives and current findings, European Consortium for Political Research – ECPR, Pisa, September. Scarica il paper

Costa G. (2010), “L’uso dei livelli attuali di assistenza nei processi di programmazione sociale e nelle azioni di advocacy a scala locale”, ESPAnet 2010,Napoli, 30 settembre. Scarica il paper