Il sito del Laboratorio di Politiche Sociali

Since March 2007 

Working group: Costanzo Ranci (direttore scientifico), Stefania Cerea, Giuliana Costa, Roberta Cucca, Laura Di Maria, Ivana Fellini, Pietro Lembi, Lara Maestripieri, Valentina Moiso, Emmanuele Pavolini 

The project belong to a wider research program focused on the italian middle class crisis. The program is funded by the Italian Council for Social Sciences, and aims to analyze the economic, social and political factors that put the new forms of self-employment at the core of a new pattern of economics and organizational functioning of these social groups.

Funding: Italian Council for Social Sciences – CSS

Partners: University of Turin

Per approfondire:

(2008), Ranci C., Di Maria L., Lembi P., Pavolini E., Come cambia il lavoro autonomo tra vecchi e nuovi profili, in Bagnasco A. (a cura di), Ceto medio. Perché e come occuparsene, Bologna: Il Mulino.

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