Il sito del Laboratorio di Politiche Sociali
ranci Full professor – director of the Social Policy Lab
Adress Via Bonardi, 3 – 3rd floor Milan -Italy
Phone nunber 02.23995459
Fax nunber 02.23995435
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Career and research areas
Costanzo Ranci (PhD in Sociology, 1990) is Professor in Sociology at the Polythecnic of Milan, where he leads the Social Policy Lab. He is responsible for the ASP (Alta Scuola Politecnica) courses.). He is member of the Scientific Board of Rassegna Italiana di Sociologia (Italian Sociological Review) and  La Rivista delle Politiche Sociali (Journal of Social Policy). He teaches in the “Spatial Planning and Urban Development” (SPUD) PhD program at the Polythecnico of Milan and in the “Urban and Local European Studies” (URBEUR) PhD program at the University of Milano Bicocca.His main research interestes include:

  • social inequalities, new social risks and the rise of social vulnerability;
  • welfare policy, long-term care policy, local welfare
  • social cohesion and competitiveness in global cities.

Main publications
  • (2011), (a cura di), La città nella rete globale. Competitività e disuguaglianze in sei città europee, Milano: Bruno Mondadori.
  • (2011) “Competitiveness and Social Cohesion in Western European Cities”, in Urban studies, forthcoming.
  • (2010), (ed.), Social Vulnerability in Europe. The new configuration of social risks, Palgrave MacMillan.
  • (2008), “Restructuring the welfare state: reforms in long-term care in Western European countries”, (con E. Pavolini),Journal of European Social Policy, vol. 3, pp. 246-259.
  • (2007), (a cura di), Milano, tra coesione sociale e sviluppo, (con R. Torri), Milano: Bruno Mondadori.
  • (2006), Volontariato, Bologna: Il Mulino.