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maestripieri Research associate
Adress Via Bonardi, 3 – 3rd floor Milan -Italy
Phone nunber 02.23995499
Fax nunber 02.23995435
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Career and research areas
Lara Maestripieri is a researcher at the Social Policy Lab – Polytechnic of Milan, where she is involved in “FLOWS”, a research project on local welfare and women participation in the labour market financed by European Union. In 2011 she has become PhD Doctor, thanks to a thesis entitled “The liminal condition of consultancy. Tales of work between self-employment and organization”. In 2010 she has been visiting researcher at department of Sociology, in Geneva. Main research interests are analysis of female participation to labour market, precarity and professional identity of knowledge workers, narrative and biographical methods in the social research.
Main publications
  • (2010) “Professionalism as Justification: the case of consultancy”, XVII ISA World Congress, Sociology on the move,Gothenburg, 11th-17th July 2010.
  • (2010) “Disparities and convergences in the public regulation of new and old professions in Italy”, Work, Employment & Society Conference, Managing Uncertainty: A new deal? International challenges and the changing face of work, Brighton, 7th-9th September 2010 (con R. Cucca).
  • (2010) “Work in the time of the Knowledge Workers” apparso sul blog peer reviewed dell’University of Essex il 17 dicembre 2010,
  • (2009) “I giovani tra flessibilità e precariato”, in Rauty, R. (a cura di), La ricerca giovane. Percorsi di analisi della condizione giovanile, Calimera: Kurumuny.
  • (2008) “The Contemporary Utopia of Self-Realization”, IIS World Congress 38th, Sociology at the crossroads, Budapest, 26th-30thJune 2008.
  • (2008), “Social Limits to Growth: Competitiveness and Social Cohesion in the European Cities”, XI Eura Conference,Learning Cities in a Knowledge-based Society, Milan, October 9th-11th (con F. Manfredini, C. Ranci, R. Torri), Santarcangelo di Romagna: Maggioli.