It is finally out the book “Dualisation of Part-Time Work. The development of labour market insiders and outsiders”, edited by Heidi Nicolaisen, Hanne C. Kavli and Ragnhild S. Jensen. The book is edited by Policy Press and it is also available in digital formats.
In this book you will find a chapter titled “So close, so far? Part-time employment and its effects on gender equality in Italy and Spain” written by Margarita León and Lara Maestripieri about part-time work in Italy and Spain.
In the chapter, they analyze the growth of “bad” part-time suffered during the year of crisis in South Europe and they apply an intersectional approach to see how distinct groups of women suffer from deteriorating conditions when employed part-time. One of the most important results is that indeed some groups of women (i.e. high-educated young women without children) are in the majority involuntarily employed part-time, up to 90% of total part-timers
The book is available in open access at the following link: