Costanzo Ranci
Indirizzo: Via Bonardi 3, Edificio 12, Piano 3
Telefono 02.23995459
Fax 02.23995435
Percorso professionale e aree di ricerca
Professore ordinario di Sociologia economica al Politecnico di Milano, dove coordina il Laboratorio di Politica Sociale. Ha pubblicato diversi libri e articoli scientifici sui temi del welfare, della vulnerabilità sociale, delle politiche di long-term care. È stato consulente del Ministero Affari Sociali, Inps, Regione Lombardia, e molte altre istituzioni. È stato visiting scholar presso Università di California – Berkeley, Università di Barcelona, Università di Losanna e Harvard University. La sua ricerca è attualmente focalizzata sui seguenti temi: la insicurezza del ceto medio; le politiche di social investment; le politiche di long term care; la segregazione scolastica; le politiche abitative.
- PRIN – Rising inequality and the sociaI insecurity of the middle class
- Supporto all’analisi e allo sviluppo delle politiche abitative
- Progetto HCP – Home Care Premium
- La mobilità sociale nel Sud Europa, 2008-2016
- Segregazione scolastica a Milano
Anno Accademico 2020-2021
Sociology of Urban Space (Architectual Design Studio)
Contemporary Cities: social change and policies
Anno Accademico 2019-2020
Contemporary Cities: social change and policies
Anno Accademico 2018-2019
Sociology of Urban Space
Contemporary Cities: social change and policies
Anno Accademico 2017-2018
Contemporary city: social change and policies
Sociology of Urban space
Cordini, M., Parma, A. and Ranci, C. (2019), ‘White flight’ in Milan: School segregation as a result of home-to-school mobility”, in Urban Studies, online first.
Ranci, C., Österle, A., Arlotti, M. and Parma, A. (2019), “Coverage versus generosity: Comparing eligibility and need assessment in six cash‐for‐care programmes”, in «Social Policy and Administration», vol. 53, issue 4.
Ranci, C., Arlotti, M., Cerea, S., Cordini, M (2019), “Migrant and/or care workers? Debating the ethnicisation of the elderly care market in Italy and the UK”, in Social politics, online first,
Ranci, C., Leon, M., Sabatinelli, S., Ibanez, Z. (2018) “Tensions between quantity and quality in social investment agendas: Working conditions of ECEC teaching staff in Italy and Spain” in Journal of European Social Policy, vol. 1, pp.1-13.
Arlotti, M., Parma, A., Ranci, C. (2018) “Riformare è possibile? proposte e discussioni attorno all’Indennità di accompagnamento” in Politiche sociali/social policies, 1, pp. 109-14. Issn 2284-2098
Arlotti, M., Ranci, C. (2018) “Coping with the care deficit in times of austerity. Different strategies in long-term care across the globe” in Politiche sociali/social policies, 1, pp. 3-13. Issn 2284-2098
Kasearu, K., L. Maestripieri, Ranci, C. (2017) “Women at risk: the impact of labour-market participation, education and household structure on the economic vulnerability of women through Europe” in European Societies, 1, 5, pp. 202-221.
Yueh-Ching Chou, B. Pfau-Effinger, T. Kröger, Ranci, C. (2017) “Impact of care responsibilities on women’s employment: a comparison between European and East Asian welfare states”, in European Societies, 19, 2, pp. 157-197.
Ranci, C. (2017) “Fine del ceto medio?”, in Rassegna Italiana di Sociologia, n. 1, pp. 172-176.
Cucca, R., Ranci, C. (2017) “La città europea: un modello in crisi?”, in Il Mulino, Rivista bimestrale di cultura e di politica, n. 3, pp. 377-385.
Cordini M. and C. Ranci (2016), Legitimizing the care market: the social recognition of migrant care workers in Italy, in «Journal of Social Policy», 46, 1, pp. 91-108.
Kazepov, Y., Ranci, C. (2016) “Is every country fit for Social Investment? Italy as an adverse case”, in Journal of European Social Policy, Vol 27, Issue 1, pp. 90 – 104.
Burau, V., Zechner M., Dahl H.M., Ranci, C. (2016) “The Political Construction of Elderly Care Markets: Comparing Denmark, Finland and Italy.” Social Policy and Administration. First online, March 2016.
Maestripieri, L. Ranci, C. (2016) “Non è un paese per laureati. La sovra-qualificazione occupazionale dei lavoratori italiani”, in Stato e mercato, 36 (3), 425-450.
Ranci, C. (2015) “The Long-Term Evolution of the Government–Third Sector Partnership in Italy: Old Wine in a New Bottle?”, in VOLUNTAS: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit
Organizations, 26, 6, pp. 2311-2329.
Ranci, C., Pavolini, E. (2015) “Not all that glitters is gold: Long-term Care reforms in the last two decades in Europe”, in Journal of European Social Policy, 25: 270-285.
Ranci, C. (2014) “Politiche sociali al minimo. Le misure di welfare sociale nella Legge di Stabilità per il 2014”, in Politiche sociali, vol.1, pp. 127-134.
Cucca, R., Ranci, C. (2013) “Sviluppo economico e integrazione sociale in Europa. Politiche urbane a confronto”, in Imprese & Città, vol. 1, pp. 86-100
Pacchi, C., Ranci, C., R. Torri (2013) “A Cohesion Policy and Local Development Studio in a Multicultural Planning Course”, in Planum, n.26, vol. 1, pp. 1-20
Ranci, C. (2012) “C’era una volta il popolo delle Partite Iva”, in Il Mulino, vol. 463, pp. 799-807.
Ranci, C. (2011) “Competitiveness and Social Cohesion in Western European Cities”, in Urban Studies, vol. 13, p. 2789-2804
Ranci, C. (2011) “Disconnected cities. The role of social analysis in understanding and planning global cities”, in Territorio, vol. 57, pp. 18-19.
Ranci, C., Pavolini, E. (2011) “Le riforme della long-term care in Europa. Ipotesi e strumenti per l’analisi comparata”, in La Rivista delle Politiche Sociali, vol. 4, p. 19-46.
Ranci, C., Pavolini, E. (2008) “Restructuring the welfare state: reforms in long-term care in Western European countries”, in Journal of European Social Policy, vol. 3; p. 246-259.
Ranci, C., (2008) “Vulnerabilità sociale e nuove disuguaglianze sociali”, in Sociologia del Lavoro, vol. 110; p. 161-171
Ranci, C., Pavolini, E. (2008) “Nuevas tendencias en la politica de cuidados de larga duraciòn en Europa occidental: hacia un mercado social de cuidados?”, in Revista Española del Tercer Sector,
vol. 10; p. 133-169.
Ranci, C., (2007) Review of “M. Paci, Nuovi lavori, nuovo welfare. Sicurezza e libertà nella società attiva”, Rassegna Italiana Di Sociologia, vol. 3
Ranci, C., (2007) “Tra vecchie e nuove disuguaglianze: la vulnerabilità nella società dell’incertezza”, in La Rivista delle Politiche Sociali, vol. 4; p. 111-127
Ranci, C., (2002) “Fenomenologia della vulnerabilità sociale”, in Rassegna Italiana di Sociologia, vol. 4; p. 521-552
Ranci, C. (2002) Review of “C. Saraceno (ed.), Social Assistance Dynamics in Europe”, in Polis, vol. 2
Ranci, C. (2001) “Democracy at work: social participation and the ‘third sector’ in Italy”, in Daedalus,
vol. 3; p. 73-84
Ranci, C. (2017) Vulnerability in Europe, Keynote at the Doctoral Program LIVES – Is vulnerability everywhere?, University of Lausanne , 13 June
Ranci, C. (2017) A comparative perspective of marketization and free choice in care policies: same word, different meanings?, Round Table at the International Conference “Transforming Care”,
Milan, Politecnico di Milano, 28 June.
Ranci, C. (2015) The Rise of Social Insecurity in Europe: Still an Untold Story, Presentation at Harvard University, Center for European Studies, Seminar on Social Exclusion and Inclusion,
September 9.
Ranci, C. (2015) Social inequalities, stress, and material deprivation in Europe, a comparative project,
Conference at the University of Lausanne, March 5.
Ranci, C. (2015) Il caso italiano: risultati da una ricerca nazionale, Presentation at the International
Conference “Il Social Investment nel welfare italiano: missione impossibile?”, Politecnico
of Milano, February 27
Ranci, C. (2014) Social Vulnerability in European Cities in the Age of Austerity. Structural Dynamics and the Role of Local Welfare, Conference Keynote, LIVES Doctoriales, 3rd Edition, University of
Lausanne, February 13-14
Ranci, C. (2013) Discussion of M.Ferrera, V. Fargion, M. Jessoula, 2012, Alle radici del welfare all’italiana. Origini e futuro di un modello sociale squilibrato”, Network of Italian Social Policy
Research, Bologna, Istituto di Ricerca Cattaneo, March 8
Ranci, C. (2013) Social vulnerability in European cities and the challenges for local welfare, seminar at the University of Calabria, Italy, Arcavacata di Rende, February 25
Ranci, C. (2012) Chair of a thematic session on “Institutional Change in Long-term Care Policies in EU Countries: Results from a Comparative Study”; paper presentation about “Reforms in longterm
care policies in EU countries: an interpretation”, International Conference of the International Long-Term Care Policy Network (ILPN), London School of Economics, London, September 5-8
Ranci, C. (2012) Keynote speaker at the 5th Espanet-Italy Conference, session about “Regioni e nuovi rischiì sociali. Modelli di governance a confronto”, Roma, Università di Roma La Sapienza,
September 20-22
Ranci, C. (2012) Chair of the Session “Institutional change in care policies in EU countries”, 19th
International Conference of Europeanists, Center for European Studies, Columbia
University, Boston, March 22-24
Ranci, C. (2011) Chair of the 4th Espanet-Italy Conference “Innovare il welfare Percorsi di
trasformazione in Italia e in Europa”, Politecnico of Milan, September 29- October 1
Ranci, C. (2011) “Authors Meet Critics” session, presentation of the book “Social Vulnerability in Europe” Palgrave McMillan, 10th Conference of the ESA, European Sociological Association,
Geneva, Switzerland, September 7-11
Ranci, C. (2010) Chair of a session on “Making Connections: Migration, Gender and Care Labour in
Transnational Context”, at the 8th Annual ESPAnet Conference, “Social Policy and the
Global Crisis: Consequences and Responses”, Budapest, Hungary, September 2-4
Ranci, C. (2009) The challenge of local welfare Problems of social cohesion and new styles of governance, presentation at the Conference on “Local Social Policy – Concepts, Types and Governance”, University of Hamburg, April 24-25