Il sito del Laboratorio di Politiche Sociali

September 2006 – july 2008

Working group: Stefania Cerea, Roberta Cucca, Marina Rago

For a long time, the industrial districts have been able to combine satisfactory levels of economic development and social integration. Since the eighties this ability has been put under pressure by a series of transformations that have affected so much the world economy, as the local companies. Following these changes, industrial districts have gone “out of square”? The research, requested by the Polytechnic University of Milan, tries to offer some answers to this question through the studying of three industrial districts of Lombardy.

Funding:Polytechnic University of Milan

For further information:

(2010), Cerea S., Cuca R., Rago M., Sviluppo economico e integrazione sociale. Il caso dei distretti industriali lombardi, Roma: Carocci.

The Research findings have been discussed at the academic seminar “Growth without integration?”, Polytechnic University of Milan, May, 12th 2011, with Giovanni Azzone (Rector of the Polytechnic University of Milan), Arnaldo Bagnasco (University of Turin), Matteo Bolocan (Polytechnic University of Milan), Costanzo Ranci (Polytechnic University of Milan).

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