Il sito del Laboratorio di Politiche Sociali

Faced with the problems associated with an ageing society, many European countries have adopted innovative policies to achieve a better balance between the need to expand social care and the imperative to curb public spending. Although embedded within peculiar national traditions, these new policies share some characteristics:

  • a tendency to combine monetary transfers to families with the provision of in-kind services
  • the establishment of a new social care market based on competition
  • the empowerment of users through their increased purchasing power
  • the introduction of funding measures intended to foster care-giving through family networks. The Laboratory has been engaged for several years in research on this subject, which has been treated from different perspectives in different projects


Ranci C. (2008), Tutelare la non autosufficienza. Una proposta di riforma dell’indennità di accompagnamento, Roma, Carocci.

Ranci C. (2008), “Restructuring the welfare state: reforms in long-term care in Western European countries”, (con E. Pavolini), Journal of European Social Policy, vol. 3, pp. 246-259.

Ranci C., (2008), “Crisis and transformation of the Italian care model: beyond familism?” (con E. Pavolini), paper presentato alla conferenza “Transforming elderly care at local, National and international levels”, Copenhagen, 26-28 June. 

Costa G. (a cura di) (2007), Politiche per la non autosufficienza in età anziana. Attori, risorse e logiche a partire dal caso lombardo, Roma, Carocci.

Ranci C. (a cura di) (2001), L’assistenza agli anziani in Italia e in Europa. Verso la costruzione di un mercato sociale dei servizi, Milano, Franco Angeli

Working papers – convegni e seminari:

Ranci C.(2011), Reforms in long-term care policies in EU countries: an interpretation (con E. Pavolini), 9th Annual ESPAnet Conference, Valencia, 8-10 settembre. Scarica il programma della conferenza