Il sito del Laboratorio di Politiche Sociali

Si segnala la pubblicazione sul numero di Novembre di Urban Studies (volume 56, number 15) della Special Isssue:

School segregation in contemporary cities: Socio-spatial dynamics, institutional context and urban outcomes

La special issue, curata da Costanzo Ranci, Carolina Pacchi, Willem Boterman e Sako Musterd, è dedicata alle dinamiche di segregazione scolastica in diversi contesti sia europei che nord-americani. I casi studio investingati includono Amsterdam, Atene, Copenaghen, Helsinki, Milano, Mülheim an der Ruhr, Parigi, Portland.

I contributi inclusi nella SI sono i seguenti:

Boterman W, Mutserd S, Pacchi C, Ranci C (2019) School segregation in contemporary cities: Socio-spatial dynamics and urban outcomes

Bernelius, V, Vilkama, K (2019) Pupils on the move: School catchment area segregation and residential mobility of urban families

Bonal, X, Zancajo, A, Scandurra, R (2019) Residential segregation and school segregation of foreign students in Barcelona

Boterman, W (2019) The role of geography in school segregation in the free parental choice context of Dutch cities

Candipan, J (2019) Neighbourhood change and the neighbourhood–school gap

Cordini, M, Parma, A, Ranci, C (2019) A ‘white flight’ in Milan: School segregation as a result of home-to-school mobility

Maloutas, T, Spyrellis, SN, Capella, A (2019) Residential segregation and educational performance. The case of Athens

Nielsen, RS, Andersen, HT (2019) Ethnic school segregation in Copenhagen: A step in the right direction?

Oberti, M, Savina, Y (2019) Urban and School segregation in Paris: The complexity of contextual effects on school achievement. The case of middle schools in the Paris metropolitan area

Owens, A, Candipan, J (2019) Social and spatial inequalities of educational opportunity: A portrait of schools serving high- and low-income neighbourhoods in U.S. metropolitan areas

Ramos Lobato, I, Groos, T (2019) Choice as a duty? The abolition of primary school catchment areas in North Rhine-Westphalia/Germany and its impact on parent choice strategies

Serbulo, L (2019) Unnatural choices: Forty years of school choice policy and its impacts on segregation in Portland Public Schools

Vergou, P (2019) Living with difference: Refugee education and school segregation processes in Greece

Wilson, D., Bridge G. (2019) School choice and the city: Geographies of allocation and segregation.