Il sito del Laboratorio di Politiche Sociali

Venerdì prossimo, 4 settembre, dalle 12 alle 14, Lara Maestripieri e Margarita Leon modereranno il Ph.D. Espanet Seminar su “Investimenti sociali e disuguaglianza: esplorare i dilemmi redistributivi“. Il seminario è aperto al pubblico e può essere seguito al seguente link.

Il programma include i seguenti contributi:

  1. Jacob Didia Jensen, Dept. of Sociology and Social Work, Aalborg University – “Social policy and the common good – How the white middle class in Northern and Southern U.S. judge who is worthy of government support”
  2. Janna Goijaerts, Public Health and Primary Care, Leiden University Medical Centre, Institute of Public Administration, Leiden University – “Conceptualizing Health in the Social Investment Paradigm”
  3. Oda Nordheim, Dept. of Sociology and Political Science, NTNU Trondheim – “Social Protection and its Impact on Health: How types of social spending affect self-reported health in OECD-countries”