Venerdì prossimo, 4 settembre, dalle 12 alle 14, Lara Maestripieri e Margarita Leon modereranno il Ph.D. Espanet Seminar su “Investimenti sociali e disuguaglianza: esplorare i dilemmi redistributivi“. Il seminario è aperto al pubblico e può essere seguito al seguente link.
Il programma include i seguenti contributi:
- Jacob Didia Jensen, Dept. of Sociology and Social Work, Aalborg University – “Social policy and the common good – How the white middle class in Northern and Southern U.S. judge who is worthy of government support”
- Janna Goijaerts, Public Health and Primary Care, Leiden University Medical Centre, Institute of Public Administration, Leiden University – “Conceptualizing Health in the Social Investment Paradigm”
- Oda Nordheim, Dept. of Sociology and Political Science, NTNU Trondheim – “Social Protection and its Impact on Health: How types of social spending affect self-reported health in OECD-countries”